What's more important your grill, those 22's or helping your fellow black man back in the motherland? Black Americans are tragically infected with the denial syndrome; hell white people are adopting babies from over there left and right, but we look at Africa as if it weren't our problem. It is!
To think the country of our origin and it's people, who are dying needlessly everyday in vast numbers is basically ignored by the black community. Bling Bling is what a lot of us look to as makin it in life. Material possessions cannot replace human life or your history. I'm not just talkin to African Americans here though West Indians need to get involved in a big way as well. Maybe if the media were more involved as well that would help a great deal. But what's a great way to keep people down? Instead of showing them uplifting, positive images in the media they show coonin, (chicken noodle soup people), ignorance and negative lifestyles. As soon as we as a people open our eyes, open a book and learn about your true selves maybe they might be a change. The damage is huge, I live in South FLA trust I know.
How would we as a people ever get the respect we deserve if we act like Africa is only a problem for and with Africans. That's who we are.
pic thanks to diamond.com
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