My ex Keon got him for me (we were living at a different complex at the time, no pets either) after a really sad situation that happened between us. He is a gift, it's been a little over a year that I've had him and the complex I reside in now wants him gone or my mom and I are gone.
All I have to say is FUCK THEM ~ HARD!!.
The complex manager calls me like he's got all this authority and shit askin me when will I get rid of my baby, I say when I find him a home or I contact the Humane Society to see if I can board him there. The manager Irving was like no it has to be immediately. What does he mean, I'm supposed to open the front door and let him just go? Hell's No!! I wouldn't treat an animal, human like that. Then this lady calls me from the office and goes through the same shit with me again. So I tell the bitch, if you have to evict us over a dog that weighs 2 pounds and stop gettin those fat rent checks my mom writes every month (on time) go do what you have to do.
Now, I know I'm jeopardizing alot over a dog, but this complex has got it's issues. Humans urinating in the elevators, feces in the trash room, I'm walking through some sort of puddle of whatever. Plus, Chester is a symbol to me of love. My ex is an emotional void and full of pride, but for him to have gotten him for me shows that he has a tiny sense of emotion and love as well in him. He had gotten me a dog before but it was some big gross pit bull. I do not like those monsters at all so I gave it back. But, between that time I had two miscarriages back to back. So thats why Chester means so much to me. My ex told me, since we can't do it now (make a baby) we can practice with this, and there was my sugar dumplin.
I don't know if any of you have pets, but you get attached to them. They become part of the family, and I for one do not want to have to give my dog away. So for now, I'ma do whatever it takes to have management believe he's gone and move on to a WAY better complex that allows pet. Which I think is dumb as hell, the nicer complexes allow pets up to a certain weight, but this rag hole doesn't, that's some ass backwards shit.
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