Personally, I'm sick of the lack of consciousness and action regarding this was in the US of A, we'll gladly pay $3.00 + for gas, still livin on the same income when the shit was straight and there aren't mass marches or rallies anywhere. The Democrats are pussyfooting like some bitches on impeaching that schizo and getting the troops out of there. No, there not gonna follow ya'll home, it's been like 4 years they want us gone. What America (President Bush) needs to do is respect the way these people live just like us and fix the fucked up shit happing right in his own backyard. Philly is on it's was to being the murder capital of the country, health care is in the toilet, the cost of living has gone up with no increases in income. WTF!!!
So to end this rant, please visit:
pic thanks to antiwar.com
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