Wednesday, May 2, 2007

This Nappy Headed Ho Crap

Black people WAKE UP!!!!! Yeah it sucked that Don Imus insulted those ladies at Rutgers Uni, but come on now didn't we do this to ourselves? After having a very nice convo with my Mom this morning regarding the issue she made a great point. Ray Charles, James Brown and other artist of that time up untill this Gangsta Rap Crap started didn't insult women in there songs. Shit white angry heavy metal bands don't do it either. Becky isn't being called out her name on a regular bases by there men. The thing is that those 'rappers' are sell outs, for a couple bucks they will sell there integrity and dignity.

Stop blaming the music industry or the white man or anyone else but your damn selves. If you know it's wrong don't do it, if it go against your morals don't do it. Is your vocab so limited that those are the only words you know other than shoot, or my car, my bling my, my, my? Everything has to be about you.

Check this, I love a group named KORN since the 90's, yeah the lead singer has issues, baby momma drama and a whole heap of probs it seems. But he did write a song for is first kids mom it's not the most loving sentimental song I've ever heard, it's quite disturbing but not once does he call her a bitch or a ho.

Look for yourself:

Why can't we rap about shit like this:

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