I like generations of other Blacks have passed through the public education system of this country. It wasn't bad, kickball was the shiznit, I loved Engligh and Religion Class (catholic school kid). But I never had a great need to learn half the shit I was being taught. Check this, f(q) = a / b I don't know and I don't need to know it unless Publix or AT&T start sending there bills in Trig. I'm not tryin to down the system, it just needs adjusting to the learning patters of African (Americans).
'The Negro In Our History' by Carter G. Woodson, makes some great points, but the one that spoke to me the most is:
Mental slavery are the new chains, like my last blog about who we are, individual Italians, Greeks, British people can probably trace there history back to the Dark Ages. That's why they are able to get over on the Black mentality. I'm Trini that's all I know.
The history of George Washington is ingrained in my brain, what about the great Kings and Queens and inventors (which many other races love to call there own, when they know they learned it in Africa centuries ago). Tragic.
Todays generation is still in that bubble, just look at how we treat each other. We are no longer Brother/Sister but niggas and bitches. But it's not just other races fucking us, it us fucking us up even worse, cuz we allow it. I know this is clique as all hell but it's the man that runs the shit. Without strong male figures and hero's Black women have had to pick up the slack (check the Willie Lynch letters, it's like a manual for this shit). Asian men, Espanol men, the White man they run there shit. It's only the black man that has to take off those blinders and step back into his role of greatness.
'The Negro In Our History' by Carter G. Woodson, makes some great points, but the one that spoke to me the most is:
In like manner, the teaching of history in the Negro area has had its political significance. Starting out after the Civil War, the opponents of freedom and social justice decided to work out a program which would enslave the Negroes’s mind in as much as the freedom of body had to be conceded. It was well understood that if by the teaching of history the white man could be further assured of his superiority and the Negro made to feel that he had always been a failure and that the subjection of his will to some other race is necessary the freedman, then would still be a slave. If you can control a mans thinking you do not have to worry about his action. When you determine what a man shall think you do not have to concern yourself about what he will do. If you make a man feel inferior, you do not have to compel him to accept an inferior status, for he will seek it himself. If you make a man think that he is justly an outcast, you do not have to order him to the back door. He will go without being told; and if there is no back door, his very nature will demand one (Woodson, 2000, p. 84).
Mental slavery are the new chains, like my last blog about who we are, individual Italians, Greeks, British people can probably trace there history back to the Dark Ages. That's why they are able to get over on the Black mentality. I'm Trini that's all I know.
The history of George Washington is ingrained in my brain, what about the great Kings and Queens and inventors (which many other races love to call there own, when they know they learned it in Africa centuries ago). Tragic.
Todays generation is still in that bubble, just look at how we treat each other. We are no longer Brother/Sister but niggas and bitches. But it's not just other races fucking us, it us fucking us up even worse, cuz we allow it. I know this is clique as all hell but it's the man that runs the shit. Without strong male figures and hero's Black women have had to pick up the slack (check the Willie Lynch letters, it's like a manual for this shit). Asian men, Espanol men, the White man they run there shit. It's only the black man that has to take off those blinders and step back into his role of greatness.
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