Saturday, May 26, 2007

Didn't Think It Was Possible

Sorry guys, but 2 vids in a weekend!!! The ladies rippin the shit right now, check
Eve - Tambourine

This is grown and sexy to me cuz she doin her thing, the whole vibe is cool.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I'll Always Be A Jay-Z Fan

My New Fav vid. Go Bajan, hot ass video and she looks nicer with shorter hair too. The paint dance is tight and the gold/gray part; that's a nice effect. The silver makes it superb. So, enjoy.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith - Proverbs 15:17

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Bad Bitches


column written 3/11/03
Copyright © 2003 by Mumia Abu-Jamal

Who can think of the world's women, and not marvel? There is no area of human endeavor upon which the mark of woman has not been made, and made well.

Every year, around the time of International Women's Month, advertisements in the newspaper trumpet the accomplishments of women, but usually they shy away from the women who have fought for the revolutionary rights of women and others, or who have fought against the partriarchal status quo. As in Black History Month, those who are celebrated tend to be 'safe' women; those who are acceptable to men because they haven't rocked the boat, or, if they did so, they did so gently.

I will not address such women here; they are represented elsewhere (like in your paper).

Let us think of women who are usually ignored; or who are feared, or who are shunned by the corporate media. Women like those nameless billions who (according to the UN Conference of Women in Copenhagen in 1980) perform between two-thirds and three-quarters of the work in the world (and produce 45% of the world's food!). They labor against great odds, and keep body and soul together for billions of children. They are heroines.

Let us think of women like Tarika Lewis, who was the first woman to join the Black Panther Party as a rank-and-file member, and with her courage and ability, paved the way for thousands of others to follow her path; while her name may not be known nor famous, history should record her proud contribution of resistance to the racist repression of the 1960s and '70s.

Tarika, like millions of other Black women, came from traditions of woman warriors all along the West African coast.

While some have suggested otherwise, the 18th Century ex-slave, sailor and writer, Olaudah Equiano noted clearly, when telling memories of his tribe, wrote: "All are taught the use of these weapons; *even our women are warriors*, and march boldly out to fight along with the men." [fr. *The Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African* (orig., 1789), p. 16]

Equiano recalled seeing a battle while nestled in a tree, his mother in the thick of the battle, armed with a broad sword!

Let us not suggest that brave women warriors were rare or relegated to the dusty pages of dry history books. The name, Fred Hampton, is legendary, yet few remember his young wife, Akua, who lay beside him as he was slaughtered by the State, and now continues as a leader in the struggle. While Fred is remembered, and perhaps Mark Clark, few remember that two Panther women were among the wounded that night: Verlina Brewer and Brenda Harris were each shot twice by the state and federal death squad, and both were seriously wounded, but they survived, and bravely continued the resistance as Panthers.

There has been no true popular struggle in African-American history, American history, or world history, that was not, in part, supported or sustained by women. Women were at the very heart of the Abolition Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, the Black Liberation Movement, and the Anti-War Movements. That they are not well-known is due to their being disappeared from the annals of history.

Let us not forget Ruby Robinson (1942-1967) who was a fiery militant activist with SNCC; Claudia Jones (1915-1964) a Trinidadian-born radical journalist and communist who led the Free Mandela campaigns in London; Lolita Lebron, who fought for Puerto Rican independence from the U.S.; Petrona Chacon, who was a leading figure in the 1840 slave revolt in Cuba; Ernestina "Titina" Sila (1943-1973) African revolutionary leader, fought for the PAIGC (African Party for Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde); Septima P. Clark (1898-1987), who established 'Freedom Schools' in the apartheid South, worked with the SCLC; Cherry Turner, wife and co-conspirator with the Black rebel, Nat Turner, of the August, 1831 Insurrection that shook the South to its roots; Ella Baker (1903-1986), founded SNCC, organized Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, worked with Puerto Rican Solidarity Committee; affectionately called "Fundi", Swahili for 'teacher';... and these are but a few.

Let us not forget them, and millions like them; mostly unknown, erased from 'official' history; remembered in the realm of the heart for their strength, their courage, their powerful will to be free, which inspires us all... still.

© Copyright 2003 Mumia Abu-Jamal

Monday, May 21, 2007

This is Fucked Up!!

This past Saturday was Malcom X's 82nd Birthday. It was totally ignored by the media'just another day' no recognition, I learned about it on Democracy Now, but it's my fault as well cuz he tried and died to make things better for Black/all people in general. As a member of the community that is something to consider an important occasion. We for real need to stop jivin.

Thanks Biochemical Slang for the info.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Always Loved London Boys

I dunno, my taste changes all the time, but British guys have never changed. They may be no different than the dudes here in the US, it's the accent I like probably. When I lived 'up north' (i.e. Boston, NYC) I liked fine light skinned dudes. Mind you also I was also in my teens then as well so I guess that doesn't count. Living here in Florida, I like the Southern dudes, there accents the most. My ex (he is/was an idiot) but he had it down pack, cuz he is ALL south. But, to all you London Boy lovers out there here is a vid from an up and coming Hip Hop group Spl2ge.
They fine too, enjoy.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

R.I.P My Sister

Yolanda King, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s eldest child who pursued her father's dream of racial harmony through drama and motivational speaking, collapsed and died. She was 51. (Yahoo)

That's sad, but sister you and your father who I would consider a great man are now together again. Bless

Yolanda King

This Will Make Your Day

"I don't know I made brownies, I think we're dead" He must have got that shit from Saturn or somewhere not on earth cuz that dude is crazy.


In case ya'll didn't already know, I live in So. FLA. I also share an apartment with my mother. Yeah, the rules on the lease states no pets, Chester is my Rat Terrier sugar dumplin.

My ex Keon got him for me (we were living at a different complex at the time, no pets either) after a really sad situation that happened between us. He is a gift, it's been a little over a year that I've had him and the complex I reside in now wants him gone or my mom and I are gone.
All I have to say is FUCK THEM ~ HARD!!.

The complex manager calls me like he's got all this authority and shit askin me when will I get rid of my baby, I say when I find him a home or I contact the Humane Society to see if I can board him there. The manager Irving was like no it has to be immediately. What does he mean, I'm supposed to open the front door and let him just go? Hell's No!! I wouldn't treat an animal, human like that. Then this lady calls me from the office and goes through the same shit with me again. So I tell the bitch, if you have to evict us over a dog that weighs 2 pounds and stop gettin those fat rent checks my mom writes every month (on time) go do what you have to do.

Now, I know I'm jeopardizing alot over a dog, but this complex has got it's issues. Humans urinating in the elevators, feces in the trash room, I'm walking through some sort of puddle of whatever. Plus, Chester is a symbol to me of love. My ex is an emotional void and full of pride, but for him to have gotten him for me shows that he has a tiny sense of emotion and love as well in him. He had gotten me a dog before but it was some big gross pit bull. I do not like those monsters at all so I gave it back. But, between that time I had two miscarriages back to back. So thats why Chester means so much to me. My ex told me, since we can't do it now (make a baby) we can practice with this, and there was my sugar dumplin.

I don't know if any of you have pets, but you get attached to them. They become part of the family, and I for one do not want to have to give my dog away. So for now, I'ma do whatever it takes to have management believe he's gone and move on to a WAY better complex that allows pet. Which I think is dumb as hell, the nicer complexes allow pets up to a certain weight, but this rag hole doesn't, that's some ass backwards shit.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

No Chains Around My Feet But I'm Not Free

I like generations of other Blacks have passed through the public education system of this country. It wasn't bad, kickball was the shiznit, I loved Engligh and Religion Class (catholic school kid). But I never had a great need to learn half the shit I was being taught. Check this, f(q) = a / b I don't know and I don't need to know it unless Publix or AT&T start sending there bills in Trig. I'm not tryin to down the system, it just needs adjusting to the learning patters of African (Americans).

'The Negro In Our History' by Carter G. Woodson, makes some great points, but the one that spoke to me the most is:

In like manner, the teaching of history in the Negro area has had its political significance. Starting out after the Civil War, the opponents of freedom and social justice decided to work out a program which would enslave the Negroes’s mind in as much as the freedom of body had to be conceded. It was well understood that if by the teaching of history the white man could be further assured of his superiority and the Negro made to feel that he had always been a failure and that the subjection of his will to some other race is necessary the freedman, then would still be a slave. If you can control a mans thinking you do not have to worry about his action. When you determine what a man shall think you do not have to concern yourself about what he will do. If you make a man feel inferior, you do not have to compel him to accept an inferior status, for he will seek it himself. If you make a man think that he is justly an outcast, you do not have to order him to the back door. He will go without being told; and if there is no back door, his very nature will demand one (Woodson, 2000, p. 84).

Mental slavery are the new chains, like my last blog about who we are, individual Italians, Greeks, British people can probably trace there history back to the Dark Ages. That's why they are able to get over on the Black mentality. I'm Trini that's all I know.

The history of George Washington is ingrained in my brain, what about the great Kings and Queens and inventors (which many other races love to call there own, when they know they learned it in Africa centuries ago). Tragic.

Todays generation is still in that bubble, just look at how we treat each other. We are no longer Brother/Sister but niggas and bitches. But it's not just other races fucking us, it us fucking us up even worse, cuz we allow it. I know this is clique as all hell but it's the man that runs the shit. Without strong male figures and hero's Black women have had to pick up the slack (check the Willie Lynch letters, it's like a manual for this shit). Asian men, Espanol men, the White man they run there shit. It's only the black man that has to take off those blinders and step back into his role of greatness.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Inside Peanut Butter Outside Jelly

Im the man to respect, im demandin' respect
Or im commandin' that canon that do the damage to chest
Aint no hustla or another on this planet as fresh
So when i lift up my royal hand my pinky ring should get pecked

Rantin and Ravin

I would like to clarify right now that even though I am totally against this war in Iraq, I am in no way anti-America. I like this country, it's just the way is't being run is my beef. Anyways, I found this great site showing the lives of 3 Iraqi men living in Bagdhad during this ass backwards war. The guys in the vids seem like dudes that you can meet anywhere, not bad people but they have to live in the most atrocious conditions.

Personally, I'm sick of the lack of consciousness and action regarding this was in the US of A, we'll gladly pay $3.00 + for gas, still livin on the same income when the shit was straight and there aren't mass marches or rallies anywhere. The Democrats are pussyfooting like some bitches on impeaching that schizo and getting the troops out of there. No, there not gonna follow ya'll home, it's been like 4 years they want us gone. What America (President Bush) needs to do is respect the way these people live just like us and fix the fucked up shit happing right in his own backyard. Philly is on it's was to being the murder capital of the country, health care is in the toilet, the cost of living has gone up with no increases in income. WTF!!!

So to end this rant, please visit:

pic thanks to

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Some Funny Shit

I, like an ass load of people watched I Love New York' and the Pootie skydivin down the stairs is the funniest episode. He couldn't hold a spoon, cryin and what not. Tragic.

Well, Pootie's back:


I would like to wish my mother a happy blessed mothers day, y0u are the greatest.

To all the other wonderful mothers and soon to be, have a wonderful day as well.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Why are Black Americans so disinterested in Africa?

What's more important your grill, those 22's or helping your fellow black man back in the motherland? Black Americans are tragically infected with the denial syndrome; hell white people are adopting babies from over there left and right, but we look at Africa as if it weren't our problem. It is!

To think the country of our origin and it's people, who are dying needlessly everyday in vast numbers is basically ignored by the black community. Bling Bling is what a lot of us look to as makin it in life. Material possessions cannot replace human life or your history. I'm not just talkin to African Americans here though West Indians need to get involved in a big way as well. Maybe if the media were more involved as well that would help a great deal. But what's a great way to keep people down? Instead of showing them uplifting, positive images in the media they show coonin, (chicken noodle soup people), ignorance and negative lifestyles. As soon as we as a people open our eyes, open a book and learn about your true selves maybe they might be a change. The damage is huge, I live in South FLA trust I know.

How would we as a people ever get the respect we deserve if we act like Africa is only a problem for and with Africans. That's who we are.

pic thanks to

Friday, May 11, 2007

My New Addiction

Alright, I'm down with Amy Winehouse. The song 'You Know I'm No Good', was the first time I heard of her, so of course got some of her other songs, I'm happy to listen to music again. Her song 'Back To Black' is my song right now. Her style is nice too, though she's a bit thin but she's makin great music. The lyrics are real as all hell and the old school style is a great change from the Pop and Lock, ignorant actin thug music.

She also has a song ' Stronger Than Me' from the Frank album also her first, has a faster beat reminiscent of the 60's. In this song she's berating a lover for being a punk ass bitch.
Song 'What Is It About Men' from the Frank ablum as well is all time favorite. This chick doesn't give a shit that's why I like her.
The sing 'You Know I'm No Good' is an unabashed story of cheating.

Hope she lasts.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Why V for Vendetta is my favorite movie

Alright, where to begin? Don't read if you don't want to know what the movie is about.

For one, the setting is near-future England. The people live in a Totalitarian government system, ruled by a pig headed Chancellor Sutler.
The main character V was kidnapped by the government and had to endure medical experimentation. His body was able to adapt to the meds and change him in some way. It was not explained in great detail in the movie, a lot of things weren't so you have have to actually think.

V is an anarchist, who knows the truth of how the current government system got into power, wants to stop them and get revenge (a vendetta) for what was done to him and the others in the detention center he was kept in. He meets a girl Evey Hammond in a sticky situation and saves her. She then joins his crusade and eventually bring down the government.

This movie to me is art imitating life right now, as we move closer to a fascist government system we are like cattle being herded. There are some small groups that want change but, this administration is doing everything but calling martial law for the whole country. Look at gas prices, we have been blatantly lied too over and over again, and there are people in our administration that can't even have a court hearing cuz it's pointless. We already know what there capable of who knows what else there've done.

That's what makes this my favorite movie, cuz the character V doesn't give a shit. He does what has to be done, maybe the experiments made him mental that would make me love him even more. His character is not that of a man named V it is of an feeling an urge to do something. Anyways,

Remember, Remember the Fifth of November
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot
I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot

Monday, May 7, 2007

Child Mother Speaks

The other day I was at Broward General Hospital for blood tests and whatnot and I saw a woman there with a twin stroller and I was like 'oh how cute twins'. Come to find out they weren't twins one was espanol or something and the other was white and they were wards of the state. The baby girl (the blancito) was sleeping but the little boy was awake and let me tell you he was soo cute, I would say he was about 5-6 months old. I asked her if I can hold him and she let me. Let me tell you my heart broke for those kids hopefully there moms get it together and do the right thing but to be honest, that chick could have said 'here take him, he's your's' and trust me readers it would have been no prob. If you have love in your heart you can love a child, yours or not.

As some of you know I raised my niece Shania (Poochie) for almost the first two years of her life and it was wonderful. I didn't want my sister putting her in daycare soo early so I told her I would take her as long as it takes for her to get her shit together (she already had an older daughter Sapphire, my Toon Toon). Let me tell you, Poochie wasn't mine biologically but I would have done anything for that baby (she's 6 now). After having two miscarriages myself it was really heartbreaking cause I was really excited cause it would finally be my turn, but life doesn't go the way you want it all the time but I still young so I have time to try again (if I find a man worthy enough). And hey if it can't happen adoption is always an option.

But anyways, I have enough baby nieces, nephews and cousins to keep me well occupied so all this love I got I have they'll get it.

Here's a Lady Saw video to sooth your soul:

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Rant for the Weekend

So the pinhead vetoed the Bill that would have given him $100 BILLION dollars for his great and highly successful war in Iraq. He's not even competent enough to work Dairy Queen. But hey, I don't make the rules. Do you know what $100 BILLION would do in this county? A lot of people would benefit. How can a person spend so much money on a country that's done nothing to you? He may have well burned it. But according to this news US to sell $500m of arms to Iraq. They tryin to get they money back. Ha Ha.

It seems that the LAPD used its brain again and fucked up. Hello, dudes shooting me with rubber bullets and beating me with cluds at a peaceful rally will cause me get a little hostile as well.

Rapper Akon may be the next R. Kelly for dancing rather adult with a 15 year old (in Trinidad of all places). Go check that girl looks fast any damn way. Akon was dropped from the Verizon Tour due to this incident.

Oh plus Mayweather beat De La Hoya. SWEET!!!

I will leave you all with this, take your chill pills and enjoy:

Thursday, May 3, 2007

A litte laughter for the day.

If you wind up with a boring, miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest or some guy on TV telling you how to do your shit, then YOU DESERVE IT!! Frank Zappa


Let The Healing Begin

This past Tuesday I had 2 doctors appts. My first was with my rheumatologist Dr. Valenzuela (who also happens to be a Virgo SWEET) who told me things were turning around for me greatly. My white blood cells were extremely low just about 2 weeks ago, now there back to normal, my swelling is slowly but surely getting better (kidney function somewhat improving). What this all means is that my Lupus is going into remission. Yeah Baby!!!!!

My second appt was with my hematologist Dr. Early (my boy). My blood is in good shape, doesn't look like the TTP is still lingering around the corner so that's great.

I just my peeps to know EVERBODY that prayed for me and were concerned I really apprecite it. All the great nurses that I will never forget because I had a flock of angels in that nursing staff.

So, I shall leave you with a nice songs, I hope you like them and a pic of Dr. Early.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

My New Favorite

I'm not a huge fan of today's hip hop scene. Trust, back in the day there wasn't a hip hop cd I didn't own cuz some of the artist actually had something to say. Today it's all about them, i.e. what they are drivin, drinkin, how may chicks they're bangin, who they shot or whatever, WACK!!!!! None of that shit is true, shot somebody sing about it, for one you just dry snitched on yourself and why aren't you in prison somewhere, that's where 'killers' go right.

I have a new favorite R&Bish singer. I checked out some of the lyrics he has for songs I haven't heard and there not the 'norm' of hoes, bitches, etc. I wouldn't want my nieces listening to them like that but I'm an adult so it's cool for me. Plus he's on Akon's label and I like him as well.

This Nappy Headed Ho Crap

Black people WAKE UP!!!!! Yeah it sucked that Don Imus insulted those ladies at Rutgers Uni, but come on now didn't we do this to ourselves? After having a very nice convo with my Mom this morning regarding the issue she made a great point. Ray Charles, James Brown and other artist of that time up untill this Gangsta Rap Crap started didn't insult women in there songs. Shit white angry heavy metal bands don't do it either. Becky isn't being called out her name on a regular bases by there men. The thing is that those 'rappers' are sell outs, for a couple bucks they will sell there integrity and dignity.

Stop blaming the music industry or the white man or anyone else but your damn selves. If you know it's wrong don't do it, if it go against your morals don't do it. Is your vocab so limited that those are the only words you know other than shoot, or my car, my bling my, my, my? Everything has to be about you.

Check this, I love a group named KORN since the 90's, yeah the lead singer has issues, baby momma drama and a whole heap of probs it seems. But he did write a song for is first kids mom it's not the most loving sentimental song I've ever heard, it's quite disturbing but not once does he call her a bitch or a ho.

Look for yourself:

Why can't we rap about shit like this: