Monday, June 25, 2007

Only Caribbean Folk

This past weekend was one of the best I've had in a while. I woke up at 10:54 on Saturday with a message letting me know my friends 18 year old brother was getting married that day at noon. So, my mom, Cassy and I got dressed and went. The groom was soo nervous but kept his cool, and the bride was soo cute. After that we all went to a Chinese lunch, there were about 20 or so of us it was nice. In the hot summer heat, we waited for the ceremony, the whole experience was positive and drama free.

The reception party was Sunday. Scrumdillyicious food and drink. With that, I would like to congratulate (again) Jahbori and Renee on there marriage when it starts off soo cool and positive only good things can happen.

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